
Camcare > Contact Us > Feedback

Feedback on Services

Camcare is committed to seeking and evaluating feedback from people who use our services.

Feedback enables us to improve the services we provide. To this end we have questionnaires which are provided so service recipients can give us feedback during or following service provision. They can also be completed online, or downloaded and posted to the Camcare office.

If you have received a service, we would very much like to hear about your experience and ways in which you think we could improve. Your feedback will be kept confidential and can be anonymous if you prefer.

Client Feedback

Select the service that you received to give us your feedback.

If you have a grievance or complaint, please refer to our Complaints page.

Please refer to Camcare’s Privacy Policy for details on the privacy of your information.

Referrers’ Feedback

Camcare is also interested in feedback from the many organisations who refer people to us. If you have any feedback as a referring professional please Contact Us.

You can also choose to provide feedback to the Information Officer by telephone on 9831 1900. Your feedback will be treated confidentially.

Please refer to Camcare’s Privacy Policy  for details on the privacy of your information.

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