Currently we are seeking funds, in-kind donations, including labour, and sponsorships to meet a range of urgent priorities in your community.
- Donations to support school students from low income families or living independently due to family breakdown. These students cannot meet essential costs for uniform, books and equipment, camps, travel to and from school. Camcare’s Student Support Fund assists these students.
- Families on pensions and benefits or low incomes are finding it increasingly difficult to meet the rising costs of living including fresh food and utilities. Donations to Camcare’s Family Fund enable us to provide assistance to these families in emergencies, including periods of ill health, disruption to employment, and separation.
In Kind Donations
Many local organizations provide donations of food and toiletries to support those in need in Boroondara.
Strathcona Girls Grammar regularly collects donated non perishable food items from the students and their families to stock our food and toiletries supply and support those on low incomes who seek assistance. A number of churches including North Balwyn Baptist, Auburn Baptist , St Faith’s Anglican, Camberwell Uniting, St Mark’s, St Dunstans, St Hilary’s Hope and Ashburton Baptist also regularly seek donations of non perishable food and toiletries for this purpose.
St Hilary’s provided over 850 food bags this year from their St Hilary’s Hope Food drive.

For several years Camberwell Girls Grammar have helped Camcare prepare about 160 Christmas hampers with donated food and toys for individuals and families who are in financial hardship and would otherwise miss out on celebrating Christmas. Donated food and funds for the hamper contents come from local churches, rotary clubs and schools.
An organization called Kogo (Knit one Give one) also provide beautifully knitted items for our clients.
Pro Bono
Pro bono is a Latin term for work performed voluntarily and for no fee, by a qualified professional such as a lawyer or counsellor.
This work is provided to those who are unable to afford payment for these services which may be a charity such as Camcare, or an individual needing a particular service.
Camcare utilises the services of a number of pro bono counsellors who work in the Wellbeing team providing counselling to our clients. As an organisation, we also occasionally seek the services of other professionals to assist our operations.
If you are a professional with a skill to offer, we would love to hear from you via the contact us page. If we are in need of a particular service, we will advertise on