When using our services, you have a right to:
- Respect, dignity and courtesy at all times, regardless of gender, race, colour, religion, nationality, age or ability.
- Clear information about our services and how to access them.
- Choose whether to participate in our services, which services meet your needs and negotiate goals of service.
- Professional counselling and support services from appropriately qualified and experience staff.
- Confidentiality in relation to your personal information, except where the law requires disclosure.
- Access to the information about you kept on file, by prior application.
- Prompt and fair investigation of complaints if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the service provided.
When using our services, you have a responsibility to:
- Treat staff and other clients with courtesy and respect.
- Ask questions about anything you do not understand.
- Keep appointments or provide a day’s notice that you need to cancel or change an appointment.
- Provide accurate information and advise us of changes in your personal circumstances.
- Provide feedback by completing a Client Feedback Form through Camcare’s website or by completing the questionnaire provided at the end of service, so we can improve our services.
Should you wish to make a complaint please call or write to the CEO at our Camberwell Office outlining your concerns and providing your contact details. Your complaint will be followed up promptly; treated in confidence; fully investigated and the decisions made about how to address the complaint discussed with you. People who make a complaint will continue to receive services, if they so choose.